We love our pets, and keeping them safe and healthy is our number one responsibility as a pet owner. When it comes to pet safety, there could be hidden dangers in your home, especially in the form of home cleaning products. The EPA estimates that more than 50 percent of indoor pollution is the result of chemical-based household cleaning products, which means you and your pet are at risk for exposure to toxins inside your home. Pets are at an even greater risk because of the faster rate in which they absorb and process chemicals into their bloodstreams. As you begin spring cleaning this year, take inventory of the cleaning products you have in your home. While they may be effective at removing dirt and grime, they may also be putting your pet at risk. Read on for a list of pet safe products and natural alternatives, and more importantly, a list of products, chemicals, and cleaning materials to avoid.

The Best Pet-Safe Cleaning Products
| Category: Home Organization/Cleaning, Kitchen Safety, Home Safety
Home Organization - 10 Resolutions for 2016
| Category: Home Organization/Cleaning
It’s a new year and getting things organized should be a priority. There are a number of resolutions homeowners can do in 2016 to improve the way they organize their home. Organization helps pinpoint things and items that can make a significant difference in a Florida homeowners insurance policy. Here are a few that are useful:
As the holidays approach, having the right food safety plans in place can protect your health, save you time and save you money. There are a number of things that can occur during this time, especially in inclement weather. Having the right Florida homeowners insurance policy in place to assist while using the right food safety tips can give you peace of mind. Here are a few:
Florida Homeowner Tips: Reduce Air Conditioning Costs This Summer
| Category: Home Organization/Cleaning, Home Safety
As Floridians ourselves, we know that the cost of air conditioning becomes one of the largest home expenses during the long summers. Cooling expenses should also be a consideration when buying a house as both electricity and the premiums for Florida homeowners insurance are two big costs of homeownership to consider beyond just making mortgage payments.
Florida Homeowner Tips: Things Not To Forget During Spring Cleaning
| Category: Backyard Safety, Home Organization/Cleaning
Think you just cleaned your entire house from top to bottom? Think again. If you ever wondered how much homeowners insurance should cost, you might not realize that proper home maintenance can help keep your house safer and might even reduce your Florida homeowners insurance bills. If you already own a home, during your annual spring cleaning might be a great time to consider these Florida homeowner tips to keep your house extra clean, safe, and in some cases, a bit cheaper to insure! Here are the 5 things most people forget during spring cleaning.
Closets Helpful tips to get your home organized this Spring.
Our natural inclination this time of year is toward “Spring Cleaning.” But many home owners never actually get to really CLEAN their homes in the springtime because they can’t dig out from under all of the clutter. Organizing your home might seem like a daunting task, but with these simple goals and strategies targeting 3 problem areas in the home, anybody can get organized.