Think you just cleaned your entire house from top to bottom? Think again. If you ever wondered how much homeowners insurance should cost, you might not realize that proper home maintenance can help keep your house safer and might even reduce your Florida homeowners insurance bills. If you already own a home, during your annual spring cleaning might be a great time to consider these Florida homeowner tips to keep your house extra clean, safe, and in some cases, a bit cheaper to insure! Here are the 5 things most people forget during spring cleaning.

Florida Homeowner Tips: Things Not To Forget During Spring Cleaning
| Category: Backyard Safety, Home Organization/Cleaning
Buying a House - Florida Homeowners Insurance Risks to Beware
| Category: Backyard Safety, Insurance 101, Home Maintenance Tips, Buying a House
This video highlights just a few of the many Florida homeowners insurance risks that shoppers should keep an eye out for when buying a house. Spotting and addressing these risks will not only protect your investment, but your family as well.
How To Avoid Lawnmower Accidents
| Category: Backyard Safety, lawnmower safety
Because no backyard is complete without a lawn, lawnmower safety is an important component of backyard safety. According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 60,000 injuries are treated by hospital emergency rooms each year because of unsafe operation of power lawn mowers. Keeping in mind some basic lawnmower safety tips before, during, and after you mow will help keep your family and your home safe and let you enjoy your backyard weekend after weekend.
How to Keep Kids Safe Around the Pool This Summer
| Category: Backyard Safety, Pool safety
According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), from 2005-2009 there were an average of 3,533 fatal, unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the US, and about one in five of those people were children under 14. Additionally, for every child who dies from drowning, another five receive emergency department care for nonfatal submersion injuries.
A backyard pool can be a cooling oasis and a relaxing place to beat the heat of the Florida summer, but it is also a place where accidents can happen if homeowners aren't careful.
How to Avoid Grill Accidents
| Category: Backyard Safety, Grill accidents, backyard grilling, grill Safety
According to the NFPA, between 2007-2011, fire departments in the U.S. responded to an average of 8,800 outdoor fires caused by grills which resulted in an average of 10 deaths, 140 injuries, and $196 million in property damages.
Grilling on your back deck or patio is a tasty and relaxing way to spend summer evenings with your family, but carelessness or faulty equipment can turn the experience into a nightmare. Here are a few simple tips to help maintain a safe backyard grill.
How to Keep Your Kids Safe on Backyard Playsets
| Category: Backyard Safety
According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (SPSC), more than 600,000 children were injured on playgrounds in 2013. These injuries are not just occurring on public playgrounds. In fact, a recent study in the journal Injury Prevention found that injuries to younger children happened more frequently on backyard playsets and overall, those injuries were more severe. Fortunately, with good installation, basic inspection, and regular upkeep, many of these injuries can be avoided.
Here are 5 simple ways to keep your kids safe on backyard playsets this summer.