Florida Homeowners Insurance - Agent Blog

The 5 Worst Things Independent Insurance Agents Can Do on LinkedIn

Jun 4, 2015 9:56:55 AM |

Posted by The Southern Oak Team

| Category: Social Media, Agency Resources

How to use LinkedIn well is the subject of whole libraries, but it’s harder to find information on how not to use the professional social networking site. Yet when you’re just starting out, that’s sometimes the more useful approach. Below are the five worst things independent insurance agents can do on LinkedIn; avoid them, and you’ll be fine.

1. Nothing

Think about it: What will happen then? More nothing. Without dedication, your LinkedIn profile won’t grow, won’t reach prospects, won’t build you connections, and generally won’t accomplish anything. Dedicate yourself to growing your profile by setting aside a certain amount of time to work on it every day or every week, and don’t shy away from tasks that seem difficult or novel. It's also important to have an updated professional profile on LinkedIn. Read the 7 steps to having a better profile here. 

2. Sell, Sell, Sell

People hate ceaseless selling and will be turned off. Instead of shouting about your wares endlessly, use LinkedIn as it was meant to be used: to interact with people. Position yourself as an expert, and share real, actionable, helpful knowledge. Just as you would in any conversation, avoid spam, posting inappropriate material, and connections to people who don’t care or are too far outside your industry.

3. Target Only the CustomerIndependent Insurance Agents use LinkedIn

It’s a mistake to focus only on prospects. LinkedIn is a networking site, made to help its users forge valuable relationships with business partners, referral sources, professional development coaches, mentors, mentees and more. Widen your scope to target professionals in your field as well, and you will get far more out of the platform.

4. Focus Too Heavily on One Carrier

It’s wonderful to spend time talking about USAA homeowners insurance, for instance; it tells your customers about a great opportunity they’ll have if they choose to work with you, and it tells your colleagues and connections more about your business. However, if you focus exclusively on this brand of Florida Homeowners Insurance, people may assume you’re a representative, or they may feel that you are biased. Avoid this by spending equal time on all carriers.

5. Forget About Groups

Groups are a fantastic source of insurance leads for any independent agent. If you focus primarily on providing customers with information about Florida Homeowners Insurance, say, then you can use groups to find out more about the topic yourself and snag great leads. Groups are also a fantastic way to net bigger fish, like higher-level professionals, even C-level targets. Forgetting to use them would be a mistake.

Of course, as with any skill, learning to use LinkedIn to grow your business as an independent agent will take time. Cut yourself some slack and avoid these five pitfalls, and in time you’ll develop a robust, useful profile that makes a huge difference to your livelihood.


If you want to learn more about which resources are best for independent insurance agents, read another one of our posts here. 


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