Good reviews have always been crucial for any business, but in the digital age, they are more important than ever. Now, when customers search for independent insurance agents, they’re likely to scan the results of that search. If they see anything negative (usually limited to the first or second page), then boom: They’re probably going to move on. This makes it crucial to have lots of good reviews to push down any possible negative press.
Good reviews serve another purpose too: good SEO. When your business name is linked with industry keywords as well as praise on multiple sites, a search for your goods or services is more likely to pop up. This means a campaign to garner a bunch of great reviews is well worth it for independent insurance agents, so get going with the five easy, cost-effective tips below.
1. Set Up Profiles
Every business needs online profiles before they can earn reviews. Set up a solid profile, with your business name, address and contact information at minimum, on sites such as Yelp, Angie's List, Yahoo Local, and Google+. Make sure to include your services in each listing. If you offer, for example, Florida homeowners insurance, say that so that customers who are searching know. You can even mention specifics, such as USAA homeowners insurance.
2. Ask for Reviews
Many customers simply do not know how much reviews mean, or won’t think of it themselves but will happily review you if prompted. Try telling them “Good reviews mean everything to me, so I’d love if you would leave one on ________!” If you are shy, leave a small plaque on your desk with information to the same effect, or mention it in one of your handouts. Staying connected to customers is key to generating reviews. Read about the best ways independent insurance agents can stay connected to customers here.
3. Have Instructions Handy
Especially among the older crowd, the process of leaving Internet reviews is less than intuitive. Offer a brochure explaining how to complete the process, which sites you have profiles on, and more. This way, if they are confused on how to comply but like you, they have helpful hints right there.
4. Offer an Incentive
Sometimes people just need a gentle nudge. While you can’t “buy” a review, you can offer incentives to give you one, such as a small coupon, a free consultation or entrance into a drawing.
5. Use Links
Make it easy for customers to find you at any time, even when they’re not fresh from a trip to your office. Links are a great way to do this: put them in an email about Florida homeowners insurance, on your website, on product pages and in social media. Try linking to several different platforms, or just focusing on one platform at a time, switching up the links every few months.
See? Not so hard, right? No matter how happy clients are, if they find leaving reviews to be cumbersome, difficult or overly time-consuming, they probably won’t do it. But these tips will make your review process easy, so customers are more likely to step up to the plate, with fantastic long-term benefits for you.
If you want to know the 10 best resources for independent insurance agents, find out more here.