
Beat the Flu - 5 Ways To Keep Your Home Germ Free

Jan 22, 2016 2:52:50 PM |

Posted by The Southern Oak Team

| Category: Home Maintenance Tips

Winter is here and it’s time for the flu to rear its ugly head. Protecting your home and keeping everyone safe is a high priority. Although many people get under the weather during this time of year, there are a few precautions you can take to keep the germs away.


  • Wiping down surface areas

Germs accumulate everywhere, and you never know when you have been exposed to someone who is already sick. Wiping down surface areas in your home with a disinfectant can work wonders.

  • Spray door knobs

Door knobs are notorious for spreading germs quickly throughout the home. Spraying the door knobs with cleaners and disinfectant everyday can make a significant difference in the home.

  • Washing hands

Wash, wash and wash again. Frequent hand washing helps prevent the spread of germs and keeps the body healthy. If you have children in the home, teaching them to wash their hands will not only stop the spread of germs, but can be fun, too!

  • Get rid of old sponges

If you clean or wash dishes with a sponge, chances are those sponges are carrying quite a few germs. Keep a practice of frequently switching sponges, or throwing them in the microwave to disinfect.

  • Sanitize your dishes

Washing dishes in extremely hot water can alleviate the transfer of germs that may be present on glasses and silverware. Taking every precaution to keep germs away is key.  For more food safety tips, read this blog.


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